• Christ Community Athens exists to see all of Athens flourishing in faith, justice, and compassion.

    Therefore, we apply the beautiful reality of Jesus through voice, work, and relationship, bringing restoration in every sphere of life.

    We pursue our vision and mission with these eternal, Scriptural values as our commitments:

    Truth - We hold to the historic faith that the love of Christ gives hope for the renewal of all things in union with him.

    Therefore we:

    1- Treasure above all the good news of salvation by grace through faith in Christ.

    2- Look to Scripture as our only standard and our Confession as a faithful guide.

    3- Aim to walk in light of the truth in obedience and integrity.

    4- Pray for wisdom and strength to apply and adhere to God’s word always.

    Faith- In union with Christ we have received the gift of faith in him and his work on our behalf.

    Therefore we:

    1- Rehearse with each other regularly that true life is found in Christ alone.

    2- Embrace confession and repentance as essential rhythms in daily life.

    3- Expect the Holy Spirit to work in and through us as we follow God.

    4- Pray for continual reminders of the love of Christ which we can never earn nor lose.

    Hope- In union with Christ we have received the gift of hope in his promise to renew all things.

    Therefore we:

    1- Speak the good news of Jesus, in confidence that he will bring people to himself.

    2- Advocate and work persistently for the dignity and restoration of vulnerable people.

    3- Create beauty which reflects the good news of Jesus wherever we have influence.

    4- Pray for a spirit of courage to risk and innovate in ministry and outreach.

    Love- in union with Christ we have received the gift of God’s love as adopted children forever.

    Therefore we:

    1- Care for one another sacrificially, applying grace in our inevitable conflicts.

    2- Befriend those unlike us, particularly the vulnerable and even the adversarial.

    3- Foster reconciliation by affirming any points of Scriptural agreement.

    4- Pray for the fruit of the Spirit in all our interactions in contrast to society’s tribalism.

  • Scripture is our only rule of faith and life. God spoke his inspired, inerrant, infallible word to his covenant people, and thus the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are the authoritative word of God to us even today. Everything people need in order to know God and follow him faithfully can be found somewhere within it. Nothing may be added to it, and no claim to prophecy or revelation outside of it is authoritative for God’s people.

    God is revealed in Scripture as the only true deity, who exists eternally in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, equal in power, substance, and glory. God is perfectly holy and righteous, deserving for all to worship and follow him.

    Creation was the work of God alone, not because of anything he lacked, but to display his glory and goodness and to give his love to humanity. God created humans righteous, happy, male and female in his image, to exhibit his character and steward the creation for his glory.

    Sin entered the world when the first man, as covenant representative of all people chose to be the arbiter of good and evil, breaking the single command God had given. All humans now carry his corrupted nature and are spiritually dead, completely unable to do anything that is spiritually good without God’s intervention. Scripture describes humanity as naturally separated from God, treating him as our enemy.

    Salvation is the work of God alone. He covenanted throughout history to save people from sin and death. The Savior he sent, Jesus Christ, God the Son, is both fully man and fully God. Therefore, he mediated between God and man, living in sinless perfection, yet receiving the penalty for his people, resurrecting from death, and giving true, unending life to any who repent and trust in him. Christ alone forgives and justifies people and makes them right with God again by grace through faith.

    Sanctification occurs as God adopts people as his children when they trust in Jesus, and enables them progressively to reject sin and live unto righteousness. All of the benefits of salvation come to people through union with Christ by the Spirit’s power. The sovereign God calls people to life by his word and Spirit, and these in turn trust and follow Jesus. Then, the Spirit applies the work and power of Christ to their lives as they trust and follow what God has commanded in Scripture.

    Restoration of all things is promised in Scripture and God’s glory in it is the goal of history. Jesus redeems his people, and by the Spirit’s power they will persevere to the end in faith and good works, though very imperfectly. Christ’s followers are called to obedience to his word, to spread the knowledge of his love and grace to all the earth, and in light of that good news, to labor for all people to be treated as image bearers of God individually, and through the processes and organizations that individuals create.

    Sacraments are signs to Christ’s followers of his covenant love and promises, and seals of the authenticity of his presence with them. They are not signs from us to him, or to anyone else. Jesus instituted two sacraments in Scripture. A sign of admission into the covenant community is given to those who trust and follow Christ, and throughout Scripture and church history, to their children, as well. This sign in the New Testament era is baptism. A sign of spiritual nourishment is given to Christ’s followers in the Lord’s Supper. As we remember and trust the work of Jesus in observing the Supper the Holy Spirit strengthens our faith in him.

    Worship of God is the duty of all his creatures, especially those who are in union with Jesus. Christ followers worship him whenever they are obediently trusting in his work and glorifying him in anything that they do. God’s people are called to a special day of rest from work and worship together each week. We gather on Sundays to hear God’s word read and preached, to sing and pray to him, to observe the sacraments, and to fellowship and engage in ministry with our brothers and sisters in the faith, as we await our eternal rest when Christ returns to consummate history and renew all.

    This is a brief summary of our doctrine. For our full statement of faith, please see the Westminster Confession of Faith and its Shorter and Larger Catechisms.

  • We are in relationship with the New City Network, which connects and equips churches that are pursuing justice and mercy in their communities.

    We are a part of the Presbyterian Church in America, an organization that provides accountability and structure to our church government and teachings.

The Gospel

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